Cyber Attack



You have probably heard on the news about the impending cyber attack affecting computers in the UK, there’s no need to panic, just follow this simple advice from William Rendell, our Technical Director:

“Firstly let’s not panic, this infection is not as new as we are led to believe (it has been around since the end of 2012.) So the first thing to do is make sure your Antivirus software is up to date and using the latest versions, then make sure your operating system is patched with all current security patches. Our SmartMax Proactive Monitoring service is not just for servers, we can configure it on all of your Windows based PC’s, and email you daily with a report of any security related problems. With all the updates done, run a full scan of your system. Smart recommend using ESET Antivirus products, ESET currently detect 99% of the variations of this malware.

Please be extra careful opening any attachments and DO NOT follow any links within emails, if you are unsure of the validity of the email I would suggest calling the company involved and asking them direct if they sent the email, chances are they did not.


It is always good to change any passwords for financial or similar websites (logins) if you think you may have been affected by this malware.

Quite often in these scenarios once it makes the headlines it becomes really big news and as is the case of this incident – its current (old) news that can be dealt with by using a combination of protection including; antivirus, good security practices, education and common sense.


cyber-attack-300x248This is one of my pet niggles and one I continuously bang my drum about. You can never have enough backups, but always make sure that you have an offsite backup, just in case the worst should happen. Verify that your backups work and you can restore from them. After all a backup is useless if it contains garbled data. We can help with all of your back needs and can carry out controlled restore tests.”

If you have any further queries please call our support line on 01242 580654 and press Option 1.